Punjabi filmmakers are continuously pushing the boundaries by exploring new genres and undertaking unique projects. One such film, titled 'Jindey Kunde La Lao,' has recently been announced and is set to hit the big screens. The pictures from the film's shoot have been released, indicating that the filming has been completed. The movie features Hardeep Grewal, known for his work in 'Tunka Tunka,' and Ihana Dhillon, who gained fame from 'Blackia.' This will be the first time that fans of both artists will have the opportunity to see them together on the silver screen. Based on their appearances, it seems that Hardeep Grewal has ventured into new territory with this project.
According to our sources, 'Jindey Kunde La Lao' promises to be a blend of entertainment, drama, and a thought-provoking social message. The film is expected to be released towards the end of this year, although an official release date has yet to be confirmed.
For now, fans can catch a glimpse of the released pictures and eagerly await further details about 'Jindey Kunde La Lao.' In terms of production, the film is being backed by Ihana Dhillon Movies and Lifeline Group. Alongside Ihana and Hardeep, the movie also features Mintu Kapa, Raj Dhaliwal, Parteek Vadhera, Sukhwinder Raj Butter, Malkeet Rauni, Jaggi Dhuri, Jaspreet Dhillon, and many more talented actors.
Directed by Manpreet Brar, the film's screenplay is written by Aman Sidhu, with dialogues penned by Bhindi Tolawal. Fans are highly anticipative and eagerly looking forward to experiencing this cinematic creation