In January, Harish Verma and Simi Chahal delighted their fans with the announcement of their new film, titled 'Kade Dade Diyan Kade Pote Diyan'. Now, in the latest update, the film's release date has been revealed. It is scheduled to hit theaters on July 14, 2023.
The movie, jointly written by Karan Sandhu and Dheeraj Kumar and directed by Laada Siyan Ghuman, is a collaboration between Vesta Wonder Motion Pictures and Ambarsariye Productions. The film boasts an ensemble cast, including B.N. Sharma, Sukhwinder Chahal, Anita Devgn, Dheeraj Kumar, Seema Kaushal, Parkash Gadhu, Ashok Pathak, Gurpreet Bhangu, Sumit Gulati, Neha Dayal, and others in supporting roles.
This film marks the reunion of Harish Verma and Simi Chahal on the big screen after almost five years since their last appearance together in 'Golak Bugni Bank Te Batua' (2018). While Simi Chahal was last seen in 'Chal Mera Putt 3' (2021), Harish Verma had several releases last year, but none met his caliber. This exciting announcement has left fans thrilled, and they eagerly await the release of the film. At the same time, the much-anticipated sequel to the 2018 release, 'Golak Bugni Bank Te Batua 2', is also highly anticipated by fans